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Total entries: 6

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

the touch of a permanently fresh tattoo, now it is possible. Everyone knows that slight red tone that a gray wash tattoo has when it's fresh.

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

Open Liner - Needle configurations for artists who need rich lines. Since the individual needles run parallel up to the tip and are not pressed together to form a tip as with conventional liners, they transport more color into the skin, resulting in a richer line image.

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

Combat Magnum Cartridges now available from us Make surfaces quickly, large blackwork projects, then you are well advised to use the new needle cartridges from Kwadron.

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

5.0 - The Beast - is just right for everyone who wants to work quickly but efficiently. The Beast takes lining to a new level.

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

In 2021 we are in the transitional phase of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/2021, also known as Tattoo-REACH , which will come into full effect on January 4th, 2022. A large part of the tattoo colors - if not all of the colors currently on the market - with a few exceptions are affected by the new regulation. More information on affected colors can be found here

Tattoo Goods Inh.: Mirko Hahn

Tattoo Goods Organic Line  We Love Tattoos - We Love the Nature!! Our 100% biodegradable products such as clip cord covers, machine covers and bottle covers..... 

Total entries: 6