Payment options in the Tattoo Goods Shop:
by cash - Only possible with collection in the store
Cash on delivery - excluded in the case of delivery by forwarding agency, the fees will be shown to you when selecting the payment method - delivery of your order immediately - payment upon delivery to the deliverer
by precash - Please pay the amount of the order which you will see when completing the order to the specified account using the order number and your name - shipping immediately after payment credit on our account.
Tattoo Goods
Deutsche Bank
via PayPal - if you choose this payment method, you will be redirected directly to the pages of PayPal, here you have the possibility to pay your order directly through your PayPal account. - Shipping directly after receipt of payment
by EC / credit card - if you choose this payment method, you will be redirected directly to the PayPal sites, here you have the possibility to pay your order directly through your PayPal account. - Shipping directly after receipt of payment
By Invoice - By selecting this payment method, you will be redirected directly to the PayPal sites, here you have the option to pay your order directly through your PayPal account. - Shipping directly after receipt of payment - The payment of the invoice amount is made to PayPal - please note on the invoice